Sunday, August 18, 2013

Disney Planes Review

Master Wolf here, time we take a break from the comic reviews and look at a movie that I went to go see. The movie I went to was none other than Disney Planes.

Now I won't go details like I did with my other reviews, but I will say this... This movie is awesome! I must say that this one I really love a lot, great characters, amazing animation, and great humor. The songs are really great when it comes to the mood of the scene or the moment that our hero, Dusty, have to endure when he competes in the 'Wings Around the Globe'. I don't care what critics have to say about the movie, I went in, saw it, and would love to watch it again until  Blu-Ray comes out! If there is one thing I want to say is that the planes looks like the real thing (unlike the kid show Jay-Jay the Jet Plane with freaky faces).

Did you know that Dane Cook, the famous comedian, is the voice actor for Dusty? I must say that I am really surprise that he did an amazing job voicing him. I have heard some of his skits on youtube and I was a bit worried since his comedy consist of adult humor; but then I had a flash back to my childhood and remember about another famous comedian who did narrations and a character in my favorite show, George Carlin. He played Mr. Conductor and the Narrator for Thomas the Tank Engine, but before that he was a comedian who's skit consist of adult jokes. In the end, Carlin did a fantastic role as Mr. Conductor and the Narrator by giving each character their own personal voice impression. So with Dane Cook as Dusty in Disney Planes, he did an amazing job.

Like I said before, this movie is awesome and can't be missed. I positive that you will have a fun time watching this movie.

Final Verdict:

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